Richie Garcia Play The Cajon DVD

Model Number: AP2697
SKU: 2686
$23.99 CAD

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Richie Gajate-Garcia: Play the Cajon "" Includes band performance with Richie on his hybrid Cajon kit With the basic exercises in this DVD, you'll learn to play the cajon and make it sound like a drum set as you master contemporary rock and Latin beats. You will also learn how to add other percussion with your hands and feet. Richie is a master and innovator of the Cajon. He has developed what he calls he calls his hybrid kit , a unique drum-percussion set-up that revolves around the Cajon. In the amazing performances on this DVD, Richie truly sounds like three drummers. Whether you play on your own, with friends, or in a band, Richie will educate and inspire you as he teaches you all about playing the cajon. ©2010, DVD

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